
Prepping for the final

I’m going to enjoy the concept of the final project, having to write a short-written piece based on the overall theme we’ve been following all semester. We have the guidelines, the parameters, the theming (technology in an academic setting), and the allotted time to do so. It’s been a long time since I’ve written anything […]

Ch 12: Pandemic Take Aways Miscellaneous

Introversion amidst Lockdown

For the final week, I wanted to set my focus on the effect of COVID-19 on introverts, as I feel I relate to this topic the most. To do so, I spent some time focused on reading For introverts, the COVID-19 lockdown has an upside. “Could the online teaching and learning space be the buffer […]

Ch 11: #Againstsurveillance Miscellaneous

Admin … Oye.

Brenna Clark Gray said, “Our institution is in the middle of a discussion about adopting a new technology, and it’s very clear that the folks in charge thought they were just purchasing a logistical solution to a problem.” This is also the main idea as to what Hugo’s piece entitled, Students Are Pushing Back Against […]


AI E I O…and on that farm

In an old skit from Writer and Comedian, George Carlin, he talks about how the world has become one big technological “club” and if a person was not a member of “Big Business” or part of a “Mega-Corporation” that person was not part of the “club”.  In fact, most Americans don’t qualify to become part […]

Ch 10: Race & Technology

Power Balance

Ruha Benjamin’s Catching Our Breath: Critical Race STS and the Carceral Imagination does an excellent job in discussing the many racial inequalities that can coexist with developing technologies. It was a point that was brought up before with AI face-scanning and criminal record analysis, but this particular argument is framed around the “proliferation and intensification […]

Ch 10: Race & Technology Miscellaneous

Achieving Justice

As I began to watch the video, “Viral Justice: Pandemics, Policing and Portals,” I wasn’t sure if I was part of the target audience.  At first I wasn’t really sure who the actual audience for the piece would be.  But then I further listened to what Ms. Benjamin had to say I could totally feel […]

Ch 09: Surveillance Capitalism

Coded Gazes

I’ve watched both video for next week’s discussion on Artificial Intelligence, Race & Technology, and there is a lot to unpack and discuss for next class. We’ve already made mention of the bizarre growth technology has on what we can do and operate, and it’s showing signs of not stopping. I think as a society […]

Ch 09: Surveillance Capitalism Miscellaneous

Another Statistic

Once I came out of Shoshana Zuboff’s Big other: surveillance capitalism and the prospects of an information civilization, I started to piece together all that I know about online surveillance and connected it with so many other readings we’ve done this semester. I’m happy to say that I’m starting to understand where everything fits into […]


Spider-Man’s Uncle Ben

I have to confess that I did my very best to control my ire doing many parts of the presentations for this week’s discussion.  First, if we start talking about what the future will be like while describing children as, “whiney little humans,” it is borderline counterproductive.  Those “whiney little humans” Ms. Tufeki spoke of […]


My Relection Does Not Have a Smudge

I found this week’s reading, “Seeing Ourselves Through Technology: How We Use Selfies, Blogs and Wearable Devices to See and Shape Ourselves,” as an incredibly helpful guide to tackling the world of, what I like to call, “online appearance.”  The authors of the piece took great lengths to research and explore each of the apps […]