So the time has come for us to synthesize our Post-Pandemic University dreams and nightmares in a brilliant collection of tiny tales. So much can be addressed with the power of a story, and so much can be laid bare with speculative fiction. Our collection of PPU tiny tales will be speculative-fiction-as-literature. Your micro- fictions […]
Author: mzamora
Thanks to all of you for another thoughtful evening with excellent conversations, covering some heavy hitting issues for the post-pandemic university: proctoring technology and software, as well as the institutional role in ensuring equitable and just environments for higher education. Despite the open admittance that your collective hearts felt burdened on Thursday evening (and that […]
As we delve deeper into the realm surveillance in the age of big data and algorithms, we also continue to consider implications for the post-pandemic university. Here are the agenda slides from class last time we met. What a pleasure to kick off our #netnarr class time with a special Studio Visit conversation with scholar/researcher […]
I am glad we have spent some time thinking about the everyday consequences of data surveillance, and I think that discussing the “Screening Surveillance” films has been a great way to get at the issues (moving beyond mere conceptual analysis) as we start to think about how this ubiquitous reality is shaping our everyday lives. […]
Thanks to Sun for an insightful and interactive pathfinding session on the Attention Economy. And double thanks for choosing to use the digital interface tool called Miro which I have found to be very useful in current research collaboration, interactive workshops, and also editorial collaborations. You never know what you might be working on for […]
Thanks for another great evening of discussion and deliberation, and thanks to Kevin for opening up a broader discussion of the open web. By thinking through some of the issues that dana boyd brought to our attention in her On Being podcast, we started down our own #netnarr chat-path, with many loose stands of thought, […]
Thanks again to Autumm Caines for a fun and interactive Studio Visit wherein we considered the design implications of Zoom. In our “play” session, we explored some basic features (some that I had never really used before). I discovered that I feel vulnerable when I turn-off “view self” mode, and I also discovered that the […]
Snow Day Update
I am hope you all enjoyed a day off, and that the snow hasn’t created too much difficulty for you. It seems this winter has been the real thing, and I am glad we had a chance to slow down a bit. Next week I have been looking at our schedule, and for next week, […]
Thanks to Amber for trailblazing some important considerations as we continue to think about digital citizenship and education in the age of pandemic, and as we dream of a post-pandemic university that is transformed. Here are the agenda slides from our discussion on 2/11/21. Body (in teaching and learning) Amber rightfully paused at the broader […]
What a great way to kick off our pathfinder series with Ryan trail-blazing a critical topic for us as we took a deeper dive into the question of labour and care in teaching and learning. Thank you to Ryan for taking us to this complex and challenging place right “out the gate”. Here are the […]