Thanks to Amber for trailblazing some important considerations as we continue to think about digital citizenship and education in the age of pandemic, and as we dream of a post-pandemic university that is transformed. Here are the agenda slides from our discussion on 2/11/21.

Body (in teaching and learning)

Amber rightfully paused at the broader concept of the BODY, and what significance this idea holds for us at this time. The concept of International Equitable Hospitality (Intentionally Equitable Hospitality in Hybrid Video Dialogue: The context of virtually connecting by Maha Bali, Autumm Caines, Rebecca J. Hogue, Helen J. Dewaard, Christian Friedrich, eLearn Magazine, May 2019) helps us think further about what we can do actively to make moves towards INCLUSION when arranging any learning gathering.

How do we welcome each other? What are the terms of belonging? What assumptions and expectations do we take to a gathering in order to learn? And who regulates the terms of the conversation?

“IEH” as a strategy starts to unravel these questions/issues in the context of academic professionalization, helping us see the irony in how much gatekeeping is the default instinct in communities of knowledge production. In addition, the open resource for teaching (-Bali, M., Zamora, M, & Caines, A. et al. (2020). Community Building Online Activities in OneHE Global) offer everyday strategies and activities to counter the ingrained hierarchical culture of education, by opening up learning to listening and reflecting in creative ways.

Amber also opened up an important discussion of trauma-informed pedagogy, which I think is such a critical intervention at this stage, as I believe it is fair to say the pandemic has brought upon us all collective forms of trauma. The social isolation and loneliness of the COVID-19 pandemic present significant emotional and physical health risks that make us feel disconnected and put us on high alert, triggering the body’s stress response.

I think this topic is crucial in considering what ways we will continue to move forward. And yet, I also think it is important to look closely at who we expect to shoulder the responsibility of care work. What role can institutions and communities play in addressing these extensive needs? As Maura pointed out in her blog as well in our discussion – caring work, IEH, and trauma-informed ways to teach are important. But we cannot turn away from equity policy at the institutional level as we attempt to address these widespread deficits. As Maura states, “Asking teachers to take on these additional responsibilities without giving them additional planning time or compensation creates a less equitable and hospitable classroom environment for everyone.”

Creative ways to continue our thinking on these matters….

Back to collaborative storytelling to have a bit of fun, while processing everything we are reflecting on. We have an online version of the Exquisite Corpse game, where you can only see the last 150 characters of the previous contribution. Use that as a prompt to add text, a few sentences, or more. For our own Exquisite Corpse story this week, we ask you to write about the day to day experiences of students, teachers, employees at a Post Pandemic University.

For another creative challenge in your reflections this week, try making a recording of the sounds of where you are at a moment. Or make sounds to indicate where you are? Do ambient sounds generate a sense of place? Or just share something in a whisper. Try to be creative in using sound to express a reaction to this week’s activities. Please be sure to check out Prof. Levine’s post which guides you in these fun media activities.

Your to do list:

Please listen to: boyd, danah.  The Internet of the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly.  On Being podcast. 2017. And check out the web post: “Brenna Clark Gray, Digital Detox #1: Welcome to the Show” TRU Digital Detox, January, 2021

Kevin’s pathfinder exploration is next week!  He will trailblaze AFTER our Studio Visit from Brian Lamb and Brenna Gray, who will meet us at 5:00 pm to discuss “Digital Detox”

Please post your third blog post before next Thursday, reflecting on the above podcast and webpost, and any other material or experiences you have happened to consider from the Unit 2 theme of Digital Citizenship & Digital Wellbeing.  

Make sure to participate in the Exquisite Corpse, do a daily create or two, and include a vocaroo file in your blog! All the while while tinkering, you are expanding your digital literacies!!

And finally, lots of love on Valentines Day!

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